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All MBTI® products excluding training.
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Applying the Function Lens to Stress


No matter the context—in work or in everyday life—individuals encounter stressors that can either undermine their performance or propel their...

  • SKU: 4126EF

Applying the Functions Lens to Team Culture


Looking for a way to reinvigorate a team and help them sharpen their focus? This activity applies the Functions Lens...

  • SKU: 6991EF

Comprendre le tableau des types


Démontre les quatre préférences, l’emplacement des 16 types ainsi que les fonctions dominantes et les auxiliaires.

  • SKU: CA25F

Discover the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Call 1-800-661-5158 for pricing and consultation.

This pamphlet is specifically designed to introduce the MBTI ® assessment to professionals and lay people alike. In bright, full-colour...

  • SKU: D001R

Discovering Our Team’s Facets


This activity will get your group up, moving and learning about the Step II facets and is best when used...

  • SKU: 4179EF1

Exploring Decision-Making Styles


Making decisions is one of the most complex and difficult tasks in which people engage—and, making good ones requires both...

  • SKU: 4179EF

Expressing Appreciation in Different Ways


Whether in the office or at home, recognizing and appreciating others for their contributions is important, and when done effectively,...

  • SKU: 4123EF

In the Grip (Second Edition)


Discover the effects of chronic stress on one's personality This booklet reviews what the inferior function is, when it's likely...

  • SKU: 6180-10

Introduction aux types dans les équipes


Cette dernière édition, rédigée par Elizabeth Hirsh, Katherine W. Hirsh et Sandra Krebs Hirsh, aide les individus à comprendre leurs...

  • SKU: 6998FR-10

Introduction aux types dans les organisations


Il aide les membres d’une organisation à comprendre leurs préférences dans leur milieu de travail et à réduire le stress...

  • SKU: 6139FR-10

Introduction aux types psychologiques


Sixième Édition. Aidez vos clients à incorporer les concepts de types psychologiques dans leurs vies grâce à ce guide populaire.Cette...

  • SKU: 6129FR-1

Introduction to Myers-Briggs® Type, 7th Edition


Help clients integrate type concepts into their lives with this popular guide Use this essential guide for understanding MBTI results...

  • SKU: 6229-10

MBTI® Step II Feedback Cards


Guide individuals through an exploration of Step II™ facets during a feedback session. A facilitation tool for use in individual...

  • SKU: 6730

Introduction to Type ® and Innovation


Understand each type's contribution to the process of innovation Is there a link between personality type and innovation? Research on...

  • SKU: 6185-10

Introduction to Type ® Bundle


PURCHASE THE INTRODUCTION TO TYPE® BUNDLE (15 booklets) Help your clients apply type in a wide range of topics including communication,...

  • SKU: WK01K-A

Introduction to Type® and Change


Provides an in-depth look at the relationship between type preferences and organizational change.  This booklet presents practical tips and guidance...

  • SKU: 6966-10

Introduction to Type® and Coaching, 2nd Edition


Help Individuals Plan for Continued Personal and Professional Development Introduction to Type® and Coaching is a practical resource and planning...

  • SKU: 6158-10

Introduction to Type® and Conflict


Conflict can exist in many places and at many levels in an organization. This new 48-page booklet is a must-have...

  • SKU: 6239-10

Introduction to Type® and Decision Making


Sharpen and improve decision-making skills Honing and upgrading decision-making skills can make the difference between becoming an industry leader or...

  • SKU: 6186-10

Introduction to Type® and Emotional Intelligence


Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a term used to describe our ability to control impulses, show empathy, and persist in the...

  • SKU: 6169-10

Introduction to Type® and Learning


Enhance your learning effectiveness. Introduction to Type® and Learning introduces you to key learning strategies and learning style information. Designed...

  • SKU: 6187-10

Introduction to Type® and Project Management


Improve every phase of your project by applying MBTI® type principles. Anything worth doing is worth planning, tracking, and executing...

  • SKU: 6177-10

Introduction to Type® and Selling

Call 1-800-661-5158 for pricing and consultation.

Help salespeople fulfill customers' needs and make key selling decisions Introduction to Type® and Selling provides sales people with ways...

  • SKU: 6942-10

Introduction to Type® and the 8 Jungian Functions


This booklet focuses on using the eight Jungian functions as a dynamic model for MBTI interpretation and presents practical applications...

  • SKU: 6199-10

Introduction to Type® Dynamics and Development


Take type understanding to a deeper level   This resource explores type dynamics, which provides a three-dimensional picture of each...

  • SKU: 6862-10

Introduction to Type® in College


Help students improve study techniques and resolve roommate conflicts  This booklet describes how a student's MBTI® type can effect learning...

  • SKU: 6904-10

Les fascicules MBTI


Offrez à vos clients une description complète de leur type psychologique. 1 de chaque type.

  • SKU: 6450FR

Les fascicules MBTI - ENFJ


Offrez à vos clients une description complète de leur type psychologique. ENFJ

  • SKU: 6473FR

Les fascicules MBTI - ENFP


Offrez à vos clients une description complète de leur type psychologique. ENFP

  • SKU: 6471FR

Les fascicules MBTI - ENTJ


Offrez à vos clients une description complète de leur type psychologique. ENTJ

  • SKU: 6481FR

Les fascicules MBTI - ENTP


Offrez à vos clients une description complète de leur type psychologique. ENTP

  • SKU: 6479FR

Les fascicules MBTI - ESFJ


Offrez à vos clients une description complète de leur type psychologique. ESFJ

  • SKU: 6465FR

Les fascicules MBTI - ESFP


Offrez à vos clients une description complète de leur type psychologique. ESFP

  • SKU: 6463FR

Les fascicules MBTI - ESTJ


Offrez à vos clients une description complète de leur type psychologique. ESTJ

  • SKU: 6457FR

Les fascicules MBTI - ESTP


Offrez à vos clients une description complète de leur type psychologique. ESTP

  • SKU: 6455FR

Les fascicules MBTI - INFJ


Offrez à vos clients une description complète de leur type psychologique. INFJ

  • SKU: 6467FR

Les fascicules MBTI - INFP


Offrez à vos clients une description complète de leur type psychologique. INFP

  • SKU: 6469FR

Les fascicules MBTI - INTJ


Offrez à vos clients une description complète de leur type psychologique. INTJ

  • SKU: 6475FR

Les fascicules MBTI - INTP


Offrez à vos clients une description complète de leur type psychologique. INTP

  • SKU: 6477FR

Les fascicules MBTI - ISFJ


Offrez à vos clients une description complète de leur type psychologique. ISFJ

  • SKU: 6459FR

Les fascicules MBTI - ISFP


Offrez à vos clients une description complète de leur type psychologique. ISFP

  • SKU: 6461FR

Les fascicules MBTI - ISTJ


Offrez à vos clients une description complète de leur type psychologique. ISTJ

  • SKU: 6451FR

Les fascicules MBTI - ISTP


Offrez à vos clients une description complète de leur type psychologique. ISTP

  • SKU: 6453FR

Manuel MBTI - Les types psychologiques jungiens


Manuel et guide pour l’Indicateur des types psychologiques Myers-Briggs Eduardo Casas  

  • SKU: 6801FR

MBTI Niveau I Auto-cotation (version M)


Ce livret complet et bien structuré de questions et de réponses permet de bien gérer le MBTImd dans les groupes,...

  • SKU: 6165FR

MBTI ® Form M Self-Scorable


The MBTI® Form M Self-Scorable is a compact booklet containing 93 items, an answer sheet, scoring key, and easy to...

  • SKU: 6165

MBTI ® Form M Self-Scorable, College Edition


Provide your students with an immediate administration and results from the MBTI® tool. This compact, all-inclusive booklet makes administration of...

  • SKU: 6163

MBTI ® Step II Manual


Increase your knowledge of Form Q and its appropriate use This comprehensive manual, with a foreword by Peter Myers and...

  • SKU: 6741

MBTI® Manual, Third Edition


Administer and apply the revised MBTI® Form M inventory correctly This essential reference for users of the MBTI® instrument is...

  • SKU: 6111

MBTI® Practitioner's Field Guide


Activities and Strategies for Type Learning and Engagement Tap into a range of activities for illustrating and sustaining MBTI type...

  • SKU: 6200

MBTI® Team Building Program, 3rd Edition


Enhance your team-building workshops with this revised set of materials The third edition of this comprehensive teambuilding program includes updated...

  • SKU: 6991

MBTI® Type and Change Leader's Resource Guide


Provide successful guidance to organizations dealing with change using MBTI® type theory. This program provides cutting-edge materials for dealing with...

  • SKU: 6954

MBTI® Type and Change Participant's Guide


To be used with the MBTI Type and Change Leader's Resource Guide. The Participant's Guide helps workshop attendees effectively deal...

  • SKU: 6956-10

MBTI® Type Booklets


MBTI® Type Overview Set (I of each type)

  • SKU: 6450

MBTI® Type Booklets - ENFJ


ENFJ Type Overview

  • SKU: 6473

MBTI® Type Booklets - ENFP


ENFP Type Overview

  • SKU: 6471

MBTI® Type Booklets - ENTJ


ENTJ Type Overview

  • SKU: 6481

MBTI® Type Booklets - ENTP


ENTP Type Overview

  • SKU: 6479

MBTI® Type Booklets - ESFJ


ESFJ Type Overview

  • SKU: 6465

MBTI® Type Booklets - ESFP


ESFP Type Overview

  • SKU: 6463

MBTI® Type Booklets - ESTJ


ESTJ Type Overview

  • SKU: 6457

MBTI® Type Booklets - ESTP


ESTP Type Overview

  • SKU: 6455

MBTI® Type Booklets - INFJ


INFJ Type Overview

  • SKU: 6467

MBTI® Type Booklets - INFP


INFP Type Overview

  • SKU: 6469

MBTI® Type Booklets - INTJ


INTJ Type Overview

  • SKU: 6475

MBTI® Type Booklets - INTP


INTP Type Overview

  • SKU: 6477

MBTI® Type Booklets - ISFJ


ISFJ Type Overview

  • SKU: 6459

MBTI® Type Booklets - ISFP


ISFP Type Overview

  • SKU: 6461

MBTI® Type Booklets - ISTJ


ISTJ Type Overview

  • SKU: 6451

MBTI® Type Booklets - ISTP


ISTP Type Overview

  • SKU: 6453

MBTI® Type Tables for Occupations, 2nd Edition


This powerful resource for trainers, coaches, and counselors has been updated to include the latest research on the link between...

  • SKU: 6274

Measuring Results of MBTI® Type Training


In today's resource-strapped, results-oriented organizations, executives and training professionals urgently need to know—and show—the ROI on their training programs. But...

  • SKU: 6175

Team Effectiveness Analysis


This exercise team building exercise is most appropriate for in-tact teams. It applies a problem-solving model to help participants analyze...

  • SKU: 4169EF2

That Sinking Feeling


Working with teams on developing reliable and effective strategies for managing conflict? Why not break the ice with "That Sinking...

  • SKU: 4121EF

The Leadership Advantage Training Program


This comprehensive resource for MBTI® trainers conducting leadership workshops in organizations includes self-contained modules for four different workshops designed to...

  • SKU: 6150

Transforming Feedback


If you're looking for ways to help others improve their professional interactions, start by addressing a skill set that is...

  • SKU: 4127EF

Type and Career Development


Increase your effectiveness as a career development professional This hands-on resource outlines the processes and action steps needed to apply...

  • SKU: 6195

Type and Culture


Apply the MBTI tool globally in a variety of cultures In Type and Culture, three highly experienced international trainers—Linda Kirby,...

  • SKU: 6128

Type and Retention


Retain top talent in your organization by leveraging type Studies show that motivation and job satisfaction are directly linked. Yet,...

  • SKU: 6179

Type and Time Management


A timely collection of stories, ideas,and suggestions from people of 16 different personality types. In this book each individual can...

  • SKU: SE01

Type and Training


Boost your MBTI training effectiveness Type and Training delivers a powerful, step-by-step guide to creating an effective workshop, breaking the...

  • SKU: 6196

Using the MBTI® to Enrich Emotional Intelligence


Workshop resource to train leaders to use the MBTI in emotional intelligence development. A high IQ is often highly prized,...

  • SKU: 6168B

Using the MBTI® Tool in Organizations


Leader's Guide  Enjoy the benefits of this popular all-in-one workshop.  This completely updated, comprehensive guide contains everything you need to...

  • SKU: 4169

What is Conflict?


This is a great activity to get individuals thinking about how they define and respond to conflict. And, it will...

  • SKU: 6230EF

Introduction to Type in Organizations


Help employees understand their workplace preferences and reduce stress and conflict. Introduction to Myers-Briggs® Type in Organizations (4th edition) provides...

  • SKU: 6539-10

Introduction to Type® and Communication, 2nd Edition


Increase communication effectiveness in organizations. With today’s emphasis on team-based and collaborative management and decision making, communication can make or...

  • SKU: 6289-10

Understanding Your MBTI® Step II™ Results


A Step-by-Step Guide to Your Unique Expression of Type (Form Q). This 24-page guide is designed to accompany a step...

  • SKU: 4278

MBTI® Step II™ User's Guide


Practitioner’s Tool For Making The Most Of Step II™ Interpretations. Sharpen your Step II interpretation skills with this invaluable practitioner’s...

  • SKU: 6972

Introduction to Type® and Teams (3rd edition)


Help team members maximize their contributions and effectiveness. Introduction to Myers-Briggs® Type and Teams (3rd ed.) helps individuals understand how...

  • SKU: 6198-10

Introduction to Type® and Leadership (2nd edition)


Develop more effective leaders of every type. In Introduction to Myers-Briggs® Type and Leadership (2nd ed.), practitioners will find a...

  • SKU: 6276-10

Exploring Your Myers-Briggs® Type Workbook


Help individuals identify their best-fit type through a structured, step-by-step process An optional but recommended tool to use with Introduction...

  • SKU: 6752-10

MBTI® Step I™ Feedback Cards


Guide individuals through an exploration of type preferences during a feedback session.   A facilitation tool for use in individual...

  • SKU: 6130

MBTI® Flip a Type Tip


Quick tips for working more effectively with people of all types. A handy desktop reference to give to training participants...

  • SKU: 6015-10

Fiches Type - Type


Des conseils rapides pour travailler plus efficacement avec les individus de types différents. Utiliser les types dans la vie de...

  • SKU: 6015FR-10

Compelling Conversations: Developing Communication Style Through Myers-Briggs® Type


Deliver an effective communication training with this ready-to-deploy MBTI® workshop.   Communication is essential in building and maintaining relationships. This...

  • SKU: 6330-FD

Leader Development: An MBTI® Step I™ Type Training Workshop


Incorporate MBTI insights into leadership training with this workshop facilitation kit This workshop facilitation kit provides everything a practitioner needs...

  • SKU: 6144-FD

MBTIMD Niveau I - Auto-cotation, Version post-secondaire (Version M)


Ce livret complet et bien structuré comprend toutes les informations nécessaires afin d'administrer facilement l'évaluation MBTIMD à vos élèves dans...

  • SKU: 6163FR

Enhancing Emotional Intelligence Through Myers-Briggs® Type


This ready-to-deliver workshop includes everything needed to present a half-day introduction to emotional intelligence. Studies have shown emotional intelligence to...

  • SKU: 6410-FD

Embracing Change Using Myers-Briggs® Type


This ready-to-deliver workshop includes everything a practitioner needs to present an introductory workshop on the topic of type and change....

  • SKU: 6420-FD

MBTI® Concepts for Managers: A Step I™ Type Training Workshop for Managing and Mentoring Others


Help managers apply MBTI® insights to become more effective in their role This ready-to-deploy workshop facilitation kit provides everything you...

  • SKU: 6380-FD