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Team Development: MBTI<sup>®</sup> Workshop Facilitation Pack

Team Development: MBTI® Workshop Facilitation Pack

SKU: 6142EF

Help team members maximize their contributions and effectiveness.

The success of any organization depends on the effectiveness of its people, especially in teams. This workshop facilitation pack is intended to help new practitioners deliver MBTI training to all types of teams throughout an organization. Workshop participants will learn how their personality preferences lead to differences in their work, communication, decision-making styles—and how they can "flex” those preferences to accommodate the styles of other team members—to capitalize on team strengths, address weaknesses, and enhance overall performance.




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The Team Development: MBTI® Workshop Facilitation Pack is designed to be used in conjunction with the Introduction to Myers-Briggs® Type booklet. Each workshop participant should be provided with a copy of the resource.

*Please note that the PowerPoint presentation slides cannot be modified (except the Title and Agenda slides).



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